Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics
Academic, Research and Policy Affiliations
Member: American Statistical Association, International Biometric Society (ENAR & WNAR)
Contact Information
Office: Rahn 3218
Phone: 501-686-5353
Email: RDu@uams.edu
2013 – Ph.D. (Biostatistics), Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA
2009 – M.S. (Statistics), University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
1999 – B.E. (Telecommunications Engineering), Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Research Interests
Cluster Data Analysis, Environmental Mixture Data Analysis, Statistical Resampling Method
Du R, Lee JH. (2019). A weighted Jackknife method for clustered data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 48(8), 1963-1980.
Du R, Fang Z. (2018). Statistical correction for functional metagenomic profiling of a microbial community with short NGS reads. Journal of applied statistics, 45(14), 2521-2535.
Dashner-Titus, EJ, Hoover J, Li L, Lee JH, Du R, Liu KJ, … Hudson LG. (2018). Metal exposure and oxidative stress markers in pregnant Navajo Birth Cohort Study participants. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 124, 484-492.
Floruta CM, Du R, Kang H, Stein, JL, Weick JP. (2017). Default patterning produces pan-cortical glutamatergic and CGE/LGE-like GABAergic neurons from human pluripotent stem cells. Stem cell reports, 9(5), 1463-1476.
Steffen LE, Du R, Gammon A, Mandelblatt JS, Kohlmann WK, Lee JH, … Vicuña B. (2017). Genetic testing in a population-based sample of breast and ovarian cancer survivors from the REACH randomized trial: cost barriers and moderators of counseling mode. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, 26(12), 1772-1780.
Kinney AY, Steffen LE, Brumbach BH, Kohlmann W, Du R, Lee JH, … Campo RA. (2016). Randomized noninferiority trial of telephone delivery of BRCA1/2 genetic counseling compared with in-person counseling: 1-year follow-up. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34(24), 2914.
Sohn MB, Du R, An L. (2015). A robust approach for identifying differentially abundant features in metagenomic samples. Bioinformatics, 31(14), 2269-2275.